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Confidence for Learning Physiotherapists

How confident are you?

One of the things we immediately notice in other people is their confidence. We all know ‘that one friend’ who is super confident; we like that person…we want to be like them - and sometimes we think they were born this way. And yes, there is no doubt that some people are naturally more confident than others; but - most of the time someone who seems to have incredible self-confidence has worked on building it for years, brick by brick. 

Confidence is not a fixed attribute. It is the outcome of the thoughts we think, the actions we take. No more and no less. It is not based on your actual ability to succeed at a task but your belief in your ability to succeed! Re-read that bit! We see it often in the sports world. Performers thrive on high levels of confidence. These people back themselves. They exude an inner belief. Examples exist where performers score a goal and then continue to score because of renewed levels of confidence. This is the power of your beliefs.

The reason that so many people never fulfil their potential is not a lack of intelligence, opportunity or resources, but a lack of belief in themselves. Or put another way, too little self-confidence.

Has a lack of confidence ever stopped you?

Have you lacked belief in your ability?

Have you doubted yourself?

Perhaps to start a business, change jobs or career, speak in front of an audience? None of these things are easy and you need to have confidence to get through these challenges.

The truth is, we are so hard on ourselves. We compare ourselves to others frequently - and think ‘we are not good enough’ too many times. No one is judging you as hard as you judge yourself. The inner critic is usually the loudest.

To change and shift the narrative of how we see ourselves and boost our confidence does not have to be about ‘fake it till you make it’. To build confidence you must practice it. Once you understand how to foster it, you can boost your career and other aspects of your life. 


Things you can do NOW to become more confident:

  • Challenge your inner critic. We all experienced that little voice in our heads saying things like ‘I can’t do this’, ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘He/she is so much better than me’. It is important to become aware of these thoughts and observe it (build your self-awareness). Remember, thoughts are not facts. Ask yourself, ‘is it really true what I’m thinking? A little tip: don’t always believe what you’re thinking 😊.
  • Celebrate all the accomplishments you’re proud of—the big and the small (working out regularly, graduating, getting that job promotion, learning a language). Go long … start from way back in time. This is a blueprint of your courage, perseverance, and an inkling of your endless capabilities. The proof is there in your history. Review and reflect on your track record. Sometimes it’s difficult for us to see our own successes, because we’re so used to it. You will be surprised how many people can find your story and events inspiring, something to learn from. Share it, embrace it.
  • Do not compare yourself to others. It is vital to remember that we have no idea what’s going on in other people’s lives…what they’re going through. You can only compare YOU vs YOU yesterday. Stay in your lane. People with low self-confidence tend to view others as better or more deserving than themselves. Instead of carrying this perception, view yourself as being equal to everyone. While it can be challenging to feel equal when we are constantly comparing ourselves to the latest influencer on Instagram, it can be done. So, as Nike say – just do it!


Please share with me your life events in which you felt proud. Small or big. I would love to hear it!!!

Some of mine:

  • Graduating from university
  • Moving to Italy without knowing the language
  • Being able to run 5k without stopping. (I used to take breaks, so just comparing Me vs. Me yesterday 😊)


By Aiste Vertulyte,

Growth Coach



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