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Give Value with Networking!

Networking is one of those things that some people just do not like doing. As a professional, a learning physiotherapist in fact, networking is something you can’t avoid. Regardless of what industry you work in or what position you hold, building relationships and nurturing connections is key to success.

There are many misconceptions about networking. Described as the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions, it is important to understand how it can be perceived. To some people it can appear phoney, forced or for a hidden agenda. Others may go as far as to say it can be manipulative, mechanical, and emotionless.

But - why not think of it as simply interacting with people…and building meaningful relationships. Meaningful! It is never a one-way street; intentional networking and relationship building enables us to be helpful to others and give value rather than pursue a hidden agenda.

The Learning Physiotherapist is a platform to create relationships, to build your network, to strengthen friendships, to learn individually – but also collectively. As Ray Dalio, author of ‘Principles’ says, 1+1=3.

The social network was identified as a key requirement for people by Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist. In his ‘Hierarchy of Needs’, he suggests that once we satisfied our basic needs for food, drink, physical safety and shelter, the next needs we try to satisfy are:

  • Social Needs – the need to feel we belong, and for positive relationships with other people
  • Self Esteem – the need for status, and to be recognised by others

In times of stress our network of social support can help us cope with the demands placed upon us, relieving some of the pressure, or acting as an outlet for stress release. Think of this social network as your support network!

There are many reasons as to why networking should be seen as a positive:

  • Career-related information
  • Professional support, mentoring
  • New and fresh insight and perspectives on your professional role
  • Knowledge of people in The Learning Physiotherapist
  • Enriching your personal life
  • Professional contacts may provide additional personal contacts
  • Increasing your confidence
  • Improving your personal development
  • Developing your soft skills
  • Giving back to others and facilitating their development
  • It is a two-way process of giving and sharing - a method of self-empowerment
  • It builds long term relationships with people

The following useful tips are worth bearing in mind as you start on your path to networking success:

  1. Challenge your mindset. If you need help, ask for it. This is a sign of confidence rather than weakness.
  2. Hope to receive support and assistance, but do not expect it in return for the support you have given.
  3. Do not keep track of the assistance you give for the sake of keeping score - but rather out of interest for the difference you are making to others.
  4. Try to maintain an open-minded approach to the networking goal.
  5. Do the things you tell your contacts you are going to do.
  6. Give back in any way you can.
  7. Be grateful for the support of your contacts and tell them so.

We must remind ourselves that networking is just providing value. It is about meeting people and showing them that you are worth knowing, as a learning physiotherapist. Whether you bring skills, knowledge or solutions to the table, networking is your opportunity to show people that you can add value to their lives. Quite simply – add value!

By Aiste Vertulyte

Growth Coach



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